Feel the sweetmeds difference today

DELICIOUSLY relaxing EDIBLES and tincture
Why do so many edibles have to taste so bad? At SweetMeds, our gourmet caramels are crafted with quality ingredients for a smooth, delicious taste.
Worried about dosage? With our Live Diamond Tincture you can dose yourself precisely to the milligram.


SweetMeds' Live Diamond Cartridge is revolutionizing the delta-8 and CBD industries by utilizing the full potential of 7+ cannabinoids and 200+ cannabis derived terpenes to create a balanced, blissful experience.
It's not about the most high, it's about the BEST high.

At SweetMeds, not only do we believe in having an effective and potent product, but also a safe and properly lab tested product.
Too many companies cut corners by not providing testing, using cutting agents to maximize profits, and using other harmful and cheap ingredients at YOUR expense. SweetMeds promise is to provide a 100% safe and effective product for medical and recreational purposes.
Our claims that our innovative cannabinoid blends are vastly more effective for both recreational experiences and real tangible medical benefits stem from data backed clinical studies which factor into our constantly evolving process.
Click the button below to look at various clinical and research studies we feel are most relevant to our product.

"Hello! I am Zbyszek Still, the founder and CEO of SweetMeds. I started this company because I was struggling with dealing with my chronic pain and PTSD after being shot 3 times and seeing my best friend die in front of me.
I had a terrible experience with narcotics my doctors prescribed me, so I started researching and developing products that actually helped me with no negative side effects.
I have since realized that the products I created are similar to existing ones in the d8 and d9 industry except for one detail: they are 10 times better.
I stand behind that claim fully and if you don't agree with me after you try one of our products, your money back."